Nasal CPAP in Neonates 2022
Course Credit Type: CE AARC
Course Credit: 1.00
Rewards Points Earned: 25
Course Category: **Self-Study/On-Demand, *Free Respiratory Courses , *Partners SolutionsX2
Faculty: Richard Polin, MD
Course Producer: AltusLearn
Course Cost: Free
Mobile Friendly: Yes
Course Release Date: February 15, 2022
Course Expiration Date: February 15, 2023
Program Summary: A one hour presentation and moderated discussion examining the evidence and practical applications of nasal CPAP in the neonatal setting
The objectives of this session will be to: 1) Review the current clinical evidence and outcomes; 2) Discuss the treatment pathway and patient responses; 3) Describe the processes for adoption and implementation into standard patient care.
Program Outline (approx. 60mins):- Epidemiology of bronchopulmonary dysplasia (BPD) and strategies for prevention.
- Rationale for use of CPAP as an initial mode of respiratory support
- Does the mode of delivery of CPAP make a difference in outcomes?
- Optimizing and weaning CPAP
- Predicting CPAP failure
- Conclusions and Recommendations
- Facilitated Q&A
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