Evidence in ACTION: Recovery Compass: A Critical Care Approach to Early Mobility
Course Format: Online Video
Course Credit Type: CE AARC
Course Credit: 1.00
Rewards Points Earned: 25
Course Category: **Self-Study/On-Demand, *Free Respiratory Courses , *Respiratory, Evidence in Action - Respiratory
Course Producer: Solutions X2
Course Cost: Free
Mobile Friendly: Yes
Course Release Date: June 20, 2024
Course Expiration Date: July 17, 2025
Program Summary: Objectives
1. Review literature involving the ABCDEF bundle and PADIS guidelines (SCCM).
2. Discuss the effect of mobility to full-systems review, treatment of the whole patient.
3. Describe the psychological impacts for the patient, family and care team.
4. Understand how to build an interdisciplinary team and create a culture of mobility in the ICU that includes patients on invasive and non-invasive respiratory support devices.
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1. Review literature involving the ABCDEF bundle and PADIS guidelines (SCCM).
2. Discuss the effect of mobility to full-systems review, treatment of the whole patient.
3. Describe the psychological impacts for the patient, family and care team.
4. Understand how to build an interdisciplinary team and create a culture of mobility in the ICU that includes patients on invasive and non-invasive respiratory support devices.
For FPH hosted group viewing sessions, please use the attached csv file to take attendance and email your completed roster to solutionsx2@comcast.net
EIA Sign In Sheet Template
Please review your profile and update your address, title, etc. here. This makes sure that we provide accurate CE credits.
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